July 9, Debuque, IA

Thanks to Pat & Ilene White on RAMD for this review!

Comments.......Scouts were electric and fantastic.  They ripped off my face and
then let it heal and then, do it all over again!!!!!!  I marched in 1988, with
the Scouts, and this show is even better(if that is possible).

Phantom....They were ok.  But, they sounded a little tired.

Colts...Believe it or not, they are here to stay.  Every year they get better
and better.  

Blue Stars....Best I have seen them in years.  Watch Out.

Golden Lancers...Give them a couple of years, and they will be fantastic.  They
were great tonight, the judges did their usual, to the Blue Stars and Golden

Colt Cadets....Had a very entertaining show...they will be around in the


Pat & Ilene White

July Scores

Seattle Web Factory CyberCorps Web Page Designers.
CyberWebMistress Cathy Doser
email: cathy@doser.net

Last updated: July 9, 1995

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